Aros X86 is Workbench Amiga replacement for personal computer, actually works on ten years computer, many computer are funcional for aros for example intel core family, i3/i5/i7 of first, second and third generation, on this computer works fine also windows 10. The Workbench is the os made for amiga computer since 1980, on Aros there is many application for daily usage for example music production, pixel art, little image manipolation, office production ecc.., there is also one Browser Web under development actually is not possible entering on social site and others but there is many service for daily usage and see many web page, Aros still active development and is free
Tiny Aros Distrò 3.4
Build Current 2022/03/18 Desktop Enviroment Wanderer Updated Bugfix July 2024 OWB 1.26 Updated Bugfix and WebKit core from 2015 Arexx Support
LilCalendar - Calendar Reminder Odyssey Web Amifox Amitube - Client Youtube Amitranslator - Client DeepL WookieChat - Chat Classic AmicastPlayer - PodCast Amiga Scene ModExplorer - Play Mod Song From Network RnoPublisher - Make a PDF Document RnoSlide - make a Slideshow of Images ZunePaint - Bitmap Paint with Effects RnoEffects - Image Manipolation World Construction Set - Landscape Generator Protrekkr - Advanced Music Tracker AudioEvolution4 - Daw Audio Midi PxDrum - Drum Machine
DirectoryOpus4 - File Manager ZuneCalc - Calculator RnoArchive - Archive Manager ArosPDF - PDF Viewer ZuneView - Image Viewer with Effects Crono - Make Your Calendar SMB2-GUI - SMB Share arSFSDoctor - Recovery File System Mplayer - Audio Video Player RnoTunes - Multiformat Audio Player System Utility
Add Stuff
WattIFF Magazine New Demo Music Disk Pictures Janus-UAE
Download the package file burn the build iso and unpack the system file on USB stick, install the build iso and after insert the usb stick with system file and overwrite all into aros device reboot..
Development Tools:
when install the build iso check the box relative at extra files, debug and development tool, install all, download the extra package files and overwrite the development directory on aros device.
You remember Amiga computer since 1980 this is a reimplementation of workbench OS 3.1 for PC i386.
I tried Tiny Aros an old PC but functionally intel core 2 Duo/Quad, i3/i5/i7 first, second, third generation, netbook Samsung NC10 and Acer Aspire ZG5/AOA110 is fully supported, modern pc at moment do not works.
For accelleration 3D Nvidia is best choice and up to fermi tecnology is supported(minimun requirement is 6xxx Geforce series), Intel GMA G45/G50 is also supported and avaible on netbook mentioned and most laptop.
Tiny Aros works also on vesa mode and usb tethering is avaible.
PCI and PCI-E network card RTL8139 and RTL8169 is compatible if you don't have a configuration internet avaible.
HP Z400 Fully Tested "No Lan", "No Graphics" change this component with compatible item lan RTL 8139/8169, Graphics NVIDIA Geforce 6XXX/9XXX up to fermi card, 32/64 Bit
HP Z600 Fully Tested "No Lan", "No Graphics" change this component with compatible item, Lan RTL 8139/8169, Graphics NIVIDIA Geforce 6XXX/9XXX up to fermi card, 32/64 Bit